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    Home / College Guide / SLM Corp (NASDAQ:SLM) Expected to Post Quarterly Sales of $397.58 Million
     Posted on Tuesday, September 17 @ 00:00:10 PDT

    Brokerages forecast that SLM Corp (NASDAQ:SLM) will report $397.58 million in sales for the current quarter, Zacks reports. Four analysts have issued estimates for SLM’s earnings, with estimates ranging from $392.07 million to $400.20 million. SLM reported sales of $356.63 million during the same quarter last year, which would suggest a positive year-over-year growth rate of 11.5%. The business is scheduled to report its next earnings report on Monday, October 28th. On average, analysts expect that SLM will report full year sales of $1.61 billion for the current year, with estimates ranging from $1.60 billion to $1.62 billion. For the next year, analysts anticipate that the company will post sales of $1.78 billion, with estimates ranging from $1.70 billion to $1.86 billion. Zacks’ sales calculations are an average based on a survey of research firms that cover SLM. Get SLM alerts: SLM (NASDAQ:SLM) last announced its quarterly earnings data on Wednesday, July 24th. The credit services provider reported $0.31 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the Zacks’ consensus estimate of $0.30 by $0.01. The company had revenue of $396.87 million for the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $401.

    69 million. SLM had a return on equity of 20.44% and a net margin of 26.18%. During the same quarter in the previous year, the company earned $0.25 EPS. Several research analysts have recently commented on the company. TheStreet lowered SLM from a “b-” rating to a “c+” rating in a report on Thursday, August 29th. Compass Point cut SLM from a “buy” rating to a “neutral” rating in a research note on Friday, July 26th. ValuEngine raised SLM from a “strong sell” rating to a “sell” rating in a research report on Wednesday, July 24th. BMO Capital Markets set a $16.00 price objective on SLM and gave the company a “buy” rating in a research report on Friday, July 26th. Finally, BidaskClub raised SLM from a “sell” rating to a “hold” rating in a research report on Tuesday, September 10th. One research analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, three have assigned a hold rating and five have given a buy rating to the stock. SLM currently has an average rating of “Hold” and a consensus target price of $12.83. A number of large investors have recently made changes to their positions in the business.

    HM Payson & Co. bought a new position in shares of SLM in the second quarter worth about $46,000. Harel Insurance Investments & Financial Services Ltd. bought a new stake in SLM during the 2nd quarter valued at approximately $49,000. Doyle Wealth Management bought a new stake in SLM during the 2nd quarter valued at approximately $51,000. Twin Tree Management LP bought a new stake in SLM during the 1st quarter valued at approximately $52,000. Finally, SRS Capital Advisors Inc. bought a new stake in SLM during the 2nd quarter valued at approximately $53,000. 98.48% of the stock is currently owned by institutional investors and hedge funds. Shares of NASDAQ SLM traded up $0.18 during midday trading on Monday, hitting $9.50. 2,605,122 shares of the company’s stock were exchanged, compared to its average volume of 3,249,402. SLM has a 12-month low of $7.76 and a 12-month high of $12.09. The company has a current ratio of 1.37, a quick ratio of 1.37 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 1.80. The company has a market cap of $4.05 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of 8.88, a PEG ratio of 0.56 and a beta of 1.45. The business’s fifty day moving average price is $8.58 and its two-hundred day moving average price is $9.

    66. The company also recently announced a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Monday, September 16th. Shareholders of record on Friday, September 6th will be given a $0.03 dividend. The ex-dividend date is Thursday, September 5th. This represents a $0.12 annualized dividend and a yield of 1.26%. SLM’s payout ratio is 11.21%. SLM Company Profile SLM Corporation, through its subsidiaries, operates as a saving, planning, and paying for college company in the United States. The company originates and services private education loans to students or their families. It also offers retail deposit accounts, including certificates of deposit, money market deposit accounts, and high yield savings accounts; omnibus accounts; and a consumer savings network that provides financial rewards on everyday purchases to help families save for college. Get a free copy of the Zacks research report on SLM (SLM) For more information about research offerings from Zacks Investment Research, visit Zacks.com Receive News & Ratings for SLM analysts ratings for SLM and related companies daily email newsletter . «

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