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    10 most read stories

  • 1: A palette of school spirit - (read: 140261 times)
  • 2: A Frat girl Through the school of Nevada Sent everyone Dating strategies & Theyr - (read: 102796 times)
  • 3: The BOOM Thesis on Inflation — The Economic Future in Advanced Economies — T - (read: 101316 times)
  • 4: A Review Of connaught place escorts - (read: 88462 times)
  • 5: Wheelings And Ecstasy Dealings - (read: 37010 times)
  • 6: International Living: How traveling the world actually helps this freelancing co - (read: 34185 times)
  • 7: Rollins Opens His Mouth - (read: 32019 times)
  • 8: Man Faces Life for Pot Brownies - (read: 25807 times)
  • 9: Thinspiration - (read: 19746 times)
  • 10: Racism at Fraternity Halloween Party - (read: 15504 times)

  • 10 most commented stories

  • 1: The Holidays Are Here - (comments: 11631)
  • 2: Wheelings And Ecstasy Dealings - (comments: 3978)
  • 3: Eminem Disses All - (comments: 2531)
  • 4: Man Faces Life for Pot Brownies - (comments: 2040)
  • 5: Thinspiration - (comments: 1834)
  • 6: Virus is A Hoax - (comments: 1781)
  • 7: When Rebels Lose Their Charm - (comments: 1438)
  • 8: Strippers are People Too! - (comments: 1434)
  • 9: Dangerous Jobs - (comments: 1421)
  • 10: movies - (comments: 1387)

  • 10 Highest Rated MP3s

    • 1: Vegas, by Joynt Chiefs, Average Rating of 3.60, with 5 users' ratings.
    • 2: Summer Days, by Terry Sigler, Average Rating of 3.55, with 11 users' ratings.
    • 3: Forgive & Forget, by The Hekklers, Average Rating of 3.53, with 19 users' ratings.
    • 4: Broken, by Galapagos, Average Rating of 3.51, with 6 users' ratings.
    • 5: Your Shadow, by Buttermilk Platform, Average Rating of 3.38, with 21 users' ratings.
    • 6: Believe, by Radio Free America, Average Rating of 3.28, with 25 users' ratings.
    • 7: I made it, by Calumet, Average Rating of 3.26, with 42 users' ratings.
    • 8: The Gods Tears, by MG 'n' TONY P, Average Rating of 3.22, with 14 users' ratings.
    • 9: Thief of Dreams, by Smoking Lizard, Average Rating of 3.20, with 5 users' ratings.
    • 10: Idle Idol, by Tiny People, Average Rating of 3.15, with 20 users' ratings.

    10 most read articles in special sections

  • 1: Scholarship Essays - (read: 2876 times)
  • 2: College Admission Essays - (read: 2838 times)
  • 3: Application Essay Writing 101 - (read: 2473 times)
  • 4: Medical School Essays - (read: 2007 times)
  • 5: Law School Essays - (read: 2005 times)
  • 6: Business School Essays - (read: 2002 times)
  • 7: Essay Tips - (read: 1942 times)
  • 8: Help With Application Essay - (read: 1656 times)

  • 10 most active news submitters

  • 1: BillClinton - (sent news: 24)
  • 2: Pinchy - (sent news: 5)
  • 3: WordofMouth - (sent news: 5)
  • 4: PowerTrip - (sent news: 4)
  • 5: AZBlondie - (sent news: 4)
  • 6: Disfunctional - (sent news: 4)
  • 7: NewKid - (sent news: 4)
  • 8: BigBodyBenz - (sent news: 3)
  • 9: UnderGround - (sent news: 3)
  • 10: MajorPain - (sent news: 3)

  • 10 most voted polls

  • 1: What do you think about the series finale of the Sopranos? - (votes: 65)
  • 2: Should it be illegal to drive and talk on a Cell Phone? - (votes: 44)
  • 3: Do you use a condom when you are sexually involved? - (votes: 22)
  • 4: What will you do this Summer? - (votes: 20)
  • 5: What are you going to do for Spring Break? - (votes: 16)
  • 6: What will you do after Spring Break? - (votes: 8)

  • 10 most active authors

  • 1: cway - (news published: 183)
  • 2: sorce - (news published: 34)
  • 3: jasonb - (news published: 4)
  • 4: God - (news published: 1)

  • 10 most read reviews

  • 1: Olympus3030 Digital Camera - (read: 7024 times)
  • 2: ATV Off Road Fury for PS2 - (read: 6528 times)
  • 3: Playstation 2 - (read: 5884 times)

  • 10 most downloaded files

  • 1: DJCWAYPackItUpReggaeMix.mp3 (Category: Reggae) - (604 downloads)

  • 10 most active categories

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